Some months ago I decided to built a knife for one of my friends that makes watch straps as a hobby.
It was a little challenge because it was about two years that I hadn’t made a knife, anyway I’ve always been active in my lab so I tought it could be fun to go back to the belt grinder, for old times sake 🙂

My friend told me what he needed the knife for and I started working on a shape.
He wanted a knife to skive the leather of the straps so, I designed the knife in Fusion 360 and then I printed the basic shape on a paper sheet and I glued it on a piece of N690Co steel.
I plugged in the angle grinder… and I started cutting pieces of steel…
Then after a couple days of work, here’s the result:

I used a snakewood piece that I had around in the lab and a couple brass tubes as handle pins.
The bevel has been ground flat and sharpened with a japanese wet stone.
As you can see my friend kindly made an appropriate sheat adorned with pyton skin.
In the photos you can see an exaple of one of the watch straps he made too.
And here’s a video of the knife.
I’m very happy with how the knife turned out!